My Passport Wireless Pro not Producing a Wifi Signal

I have a brand new My Passport Wireless Pro Drive. I am unable to connect to it via Wifi so unable to get any use out of it. Running through the initial setup process I have tried using the WD MyCloud App and Wifi on a windows 10 PC. At no point is there a wireless signal to connect to on either my Android 10 Mobile or Windows 10 PC. How do I get a replacement?

Make sure the MPW Pro isn’t connected to your computer when you want to access it via Wi-Fi mode. Here are a couple setup articles that may help you.

If problem remains and you still do not see any wireless signal from your MPW Pro, contact the WD Support team directly.

Thanks for the input but, like I said it doesn’t seem to be producing a wireless signal (it wasn’t connected via the usb port.) it doesnt work on a mobile or a windows pc

hi there did you get this sorted out? I have just today purchased one of these and nothing works at all - the unit wont show up on my wifi network and all the lights started to flash blue - its only just out of the packet! Not at all happy shall we say -

Yes I did but only by phoning support and getting the unit replaced. I can’t remember how now but I found their support phone number and called that. The clincher was that all 4 of the blue led’s were flashing so it showed the drive was dead, after that there was no problem and it was replaced. Support was pretty good.

Hope you get it sorted

Hi thanks - I’m going to return to the place where I bought it from - makes me a bit dubious about buying another -