I recently bought a MyPassport WDBY8L0020BSL external hard drive, but when it is plugged in, my computer does not start. There is no problem to restart. What is the problem? And his solution? Thank you for your reply,
I recently bought a MyPassport WDBY8L0020BSL external hard drive, but when it is plugged in, my computer does not start. There is no problem to restart. What is the problem? And his solution? Thank you for your reply,
Can you provide a description of the machine in question, and its operating system?
My computer is Samsung NP300V5A-S01FR with processor Mobile QuadCore Intel Core i7-2630QM, 2200 MHz (22 x 100) and RAM 4009 Mo (DDR3-1333 DDR3 SDRAM). I use Windows 7 64-bit Home Premium SP1 v.6.1.7601.18229 (Win7 RTM).
When the external drive is connected, does the computer attempt to start? Does anything appear on the screen, or is it completely unresponsive?
Two possibilites occur to me. If the computer does not begin to start with the drive connected, it suggests that the power used by the My Passport is interfering with the computer starting. This seems a bit unlikely for a new laptop, however.
If the computer comes on, but does not succeed in starting Windows, it suggests that it might be trying to boot from the external disk instead of the internal drive. If you start the computer with the My Passport NOT connected, and connect it after Windows is running, does it then work correctly?
Please excuse all the questions, but I am trying to get a clear understanding of your situation.
All your questions are welcome. They are necessary to understand my problem.
I don’t know if the computer attempt (i don’t know if if I understand the exact meaning of this word …), but I force to stop it. Some things I read on french internet spoke of similar problems with other WD models, for which there was a wait five minutes before starting the computer. I didn’t have that patience … On the screen appears logo of Samsung, as normal, but all is unresponsive (F2 and F4).
My laptop is effectively new (one and half year …) I think that is trying to boot from the external disk, but I can’t verify this because doesn’t appear on the BIOS nor enabled or disabled … Why … ? Yes, computer star when not connected and after, when connected, Windows is running and working correctly.
Thanks to you,
If the logo appears, that answers my question about “attempting” to start. I only wanted to know if there is any activity. I am puzzled that there is no option in the BIOS to set the order in which the drives are accessed. It seems that the computer automatically tries the external disk first.
Just to be sure, if you have not, look in the computer manual or online, for BIOS setting which affect the boot process. Otherwise, all I can really suggest is to connect the USB disk after the computer has begun booting. It is not ideal, but without the ability to select the internal disk, I don’t know what else to say. You might look in the instructions for a key like F2 or F4, etc. which would provide a menu at startup to select the appropriate disk. My desktop rather foolishly uses F8 for this, which makes it difficult to select Safe Mode.
One other possibility would be to contact Samsung Support. Perhaps they can provide the needed information.
Hello Kieren,
Thanks for the reply.
Me too I am puzzled… I try to inform me on how to change this state of things of BIOS, if it is possible, but I don’t find anything, no answer yet …
About BIOS, on the computer manual, it is said to move the first line SATA HDD. I’ll go see what it is after this reply.
Contact Samsung Support… The last time I did, after yet followed the advice of the “technician”, I had to do the full recovery of the system because the computer was found in BSOD … They are incompetent! At least the one that replied me.
Best regards,
PoA61 wrote:
Hello Kieren,
Thanks for the reply.
Contact Samsung Support… The last time I did, after yet followed the advice of the “technician”, I had to do the full recovery of the system because the computer was found in BSOD… They are incompetent! At least the one that replied me.
Best regards,
Hello Pierre,
I certainly understand your reluctance after such an unfortunate experience. I hope making the SATA drive first (or whatever the instruction is) will correct the situation. That is the sort of thing I was seeking.
Take care,
Hello Kieren,
Even with the SATA first, it doesn’t work … I’ll unplug before the start and plug when the system will launch. This is the only solution, and the only problem because, otherwise, the material is recovering very well all that I send him, backup and files.
Thanks for your help. Best regards,
Oh well. Sometimes a work-around is the best we can hope for. It is an inconvenience, at least.
Take care,
Let me add a reply to this topic solved. I found the solution at my problem which may, perhaps, help others: you must disable the security of external hard drive, accept not be protected by a password. I experimented with - it stops - and without - it starts … Perhaps we need talking about that at developers of the software?
Best regards,
So the security software is silently waiting for a password at startup, it would seem.
Thanks for sharing that.