I just bought a WD My Passport Ultra 1 TB. I installed Smartware Pro, but when I open the home tab I see under My Passport Ultra this message: ‘No writable partition found.’ I have no problem moving files to the WD drive using Windows Explorer. I use an Asus laptop with Windows 7 Home. Anyone an idea? Thanks.
Hello Beelzebart, what file system are you using for the Passport? (NTFS, FAT32,exFAT,HFS+, etc.)
Hi Ichigo,
Sorry, I’m not very computer literate. How can I check that?
To see the file system you can go to the computer window, right click on the Passport and then on properties.
Okay thanks, I found it. It’s NFTS.
Hi again, try uninstalling Smartware and then doing a clean installation of the latest version. Check the links below for the steps. Let me know if the problem continues.
How to uninstall WD SmartWare
Smartware download
Okay, this solved the problem. Thanks a lot, Ichigo.
Awesome, good to know it helped.
Sorry to bother you again. After I installed an update the same problem returned. I uninstalled Smartware and installed it again, but this time to no avail. What to do now?