Hello everyone,
Thanks in advance for spending time reading my topic. Lately I found myself ahead of some mysterious behaviour from my “My passport” WD external disk.
- Firstly, my PC doesn’t recognise it anymore. It shows as Initio Default Controller. I’ve read other topics about this, and the suggested solution is to update the firmware.
Specifically from this Similar Topic. I tried to update the firmware with 2 ways, that were described in the last 2 posts of that topic. Both of them failed. The firmware update with “WDFirmwareUpdater.exe” finds no WD connected drive (which seems logical, since it’s showed as Initio Default Controller), and the “apollo” update shows unexpected errors and shuts itself down. So it would be really helpful, if anyone knows how to fix that, besides updating its firmware.
- The second issue, appeared before the " Initio Default Controller" encounter. When I was trying to transfer files if 1,5+ GB size, the tranfer time became infinite, and after a while the transfer windows was not responding. Attempts to close the transfer window make windows explorer not responding and even with Task Manager nothing would change. The only way to surpass the “Not responding” status of everything in my screen, was to plug off the drive. Then everything became normal again. I’ve tried formatting, checking for errors, defraggling the disk, but nothing changed.
Then the problem with the Initio Default Controller showed up…