i was transfering some data from one of my friends hard disk to my PP external hard drive via my laptop, while transfering it got hanged and i had to forcefully stop it… after that it has stopped working. everytime i connect it shows only that "LOCAL DISK: K ", i am trying to click it ,and it hangs up, it shows drive “k” not accessable… it is not working in any of the windows based laptops or PC, BUT VERY STRANGELY IT IS WORKING WITH “MAC BOOK PRO”, my frriend has a MAC and i tied connecting it , for my surprise it was working and all my DATA  is still there.  i have done every possible thing like updating software on my laptop of microsoft or WD software, but im unable to do any thing with PPdrive as it doesnt even shows in the WD SMARTWARE.

please help me with this…pleassssssssss

Hi there, the problem is that your friend has a Mac and you have a PC; they don’t like each other. Windows uses the NTFS file system while Macs use HFS+, when a hard drive is formatted for one computer, it does not work on the other one.

If your drive works on the Mac but you have access problems on Windows then the hard drive is working as HFS+ right now, so your options are to either format the drive into a way that both computers recognize (Like FAT32, but it will give you a lot of restrictions like not being able to copy files larger than 4GB and you won’t do automatic backups any longer) or install in your PC a program that allows your PC to recognize and work with drives formatted for Macs, a free program like HFSexplore could help you.