I bought a My Passport for Mac drive to use to replace an elderly Apple Time Capsule but connected via my new TP-Link router so I could use Time Machine to backup both my iMac and MBP. Unfortunately the router does not fully recognise it - it shows it is there but there is no information on drive details and it is therefore not accessible. Has anyone found anything similar and found a solution for it? The router works fine with USB memory sticks so the incompatibility is most likely to be some conflict from the WD drive.
The WD My Passport drive is not a network drive, It has not been designed to work over the network. This drive is supported only directly connected to a computer using the USB cable.
I realise that it is not an NAS drive but as a standard USB connected storage device it should be recognised by the router which has USB3 ports specifically to attach such drives, memory sticks, printers etc so they can be accessed via the network.