My Passport 5TB Not Mounting on Macbook Pro

Not sure if my HD just died but it’s not even a year old. It mounted fine last night. I then disconnected the drive to use on another computer a few minutes later and then it stopped mounting. I’m on a mac 11.6 (mid 2014 macbook pro). I ran disk utilities on it and it has been almost impossible for it to find the drive. Out of the 20 or so times trying it finally found it this morning. I than ran the WD utilities on the drive and you can see what the results are, everything failed but the “Drive Status.” Is this thing toast? I don’t have another power cable to swap out since it’s a little more of a unique connection to the drive. Any thoughts? All I care about is getting the data off the drive.


You should try contacting WD’s Technical Support about this for live assistance and troubleshooting:

To Contact WD for Technical Support

I did, they did get back to me with questions. Waiting to see what they say now that I provided answers. I ran the Mac Disk Utility and it came back with this.

Running First Aid on “BACKUP_1” (disk2s2)

Repairing file system.
Volume is already unmounted.
Performing fsck_exfat -y -x /dev/rdisk2s2
Checking volume.
Checking main boot region.
Checking system files.
Volume name is BACKUP_1.
Checking upper case translation table.
Checking file system hierarchy.
Checking active bitmap.
The volume BACKUP_1 could not be verified completely.
File system check exit code is 1.
Restoring the original state found as unmounted.
File system verify or repair failed. : (-69845)

Operation failed…