Hello, I have a 500Gb My Passport external drive that is suddenly stopped working and is displaying the VCD drive again.
When I try to install the software it tells me the password has been attempted too many times and will not go any further.
I never entered a password. The software was only installed once on an old computer to turn off the VCD as I did not wish to use any of the other features.
Where do I put in a password, how do I get my data back?
Hello, I tried to install the software from the VCD and it would not let me. The message is too many password attempts. I’m not being prompted to enter a password. I have not ever been prompted to enter a password.
I downloaded the software from the website and it installed however it is also telling me the drive is locked and will not allow me to unlock it. It wants me to format.
Why is this thing suddenly locked and asking for a password? How do I access my data again please?