I bought a My Passport 4TB external hdd about 2 years ago purely for use with my PS4. One day about a month ago it just stopped working. No knocks or bumps. It is plugged into my PS4 and sat comfortably in the TV stand. Rarely touched. It was about 3.25TB full.
I tried everything first to recover the data because it was a lot! But failing this I just wanted to recover the drive so I could use it again. After many hours of trolling the internet for possible fixes I was unable to get the drive to work. I put it down to bad sectors or something. Unfortunately the warranty had run out so I was left with a brick.
About a week after the incident I decided to purchase another. The My Passport range seemed to offer the best value for money and what are the chances of it happening again!?!
Well it’s happened again!
It worked great for a few weeks and then just stopped working. Again no knocks or bumps. It was happily sat next to my PS4 on the TV stand. Never touched since plugging it in. I had been downloading pretty heavy to replace my old drive. Funnily enough it was around 3.25TB full.
Has anyone else had this issue. Bit of a coincidence for it to happen to 2 drives isn’t it?
Any idea on how I might fix it?
Thankfully I made sure to buy one with 3 years warranty this time. It is annoying because I had spent some considerable effort filling it back up again killing my bandwidth for a couple of weeks.