So in the next 2 weeks I will be recieving a Macbook with OSX on it. My School is giving it to me for use in class and for private use. I am a PC guy 100% but free is free. So here is my question… What should I install to manage my music on the Mac? Please note that I think Itunes is evil encarnate. I dont plan to use this program to add files to the fuze. Secondly… Music wise what else should I look for to use with the Mac (anything fun)? What programs do Mac users have for Tagging?
I have some time so I am just looking for suggestions I can explore.
Oh, and Amarok to play music. It also speaks MTP and can handle MSC players quite well (you just need to drop a dotfile in the player’s root directory). I can’t comment on other players, I’ve been using Amarok pretty much since it came out (I came from xmms).
Listen veryu carefully… I have to use OSX… It will have Adobe Creative Suite 4 one it and I am not gonna shell out for the Version of CS4 that works on Lunix… I dont wanna know about Windows 7 and a VM ware to run it. I want the MAC useres on here to weigh in on what I should look into.
@conversionbox wrote:
Listen veryu carefully… I have to use OSX… It will have Adobe Creative Suite 4 one it and I am not gonna shell out for the Version of CS4 that works on Lunix… I dont wanna know about Windows 7 and a VM ware to run it. I want the MAC useres on here to weigh in on what I should look into.
Don’t you love it when you get a bunch of answers to a question you didn’t ask? :smiley:
Unfortunately, it doesn’t really occur to the iSheep to even consider an alterative to iTunes, so good, free media mangers are almost non-existent on Mac.
However, there is hope. The Amarok team has been working on an OSX port for some time now. It’s currently in beta status and you can get it from the download page. I have no idea how stable it is, but even with bugs it’s got to ■■■■ less than iTunes.
Don’t you love it when you get a bunch of answers to a question you didn’t ask? :smiley:
Unfortunately, it doesn’t really occur to the iSheep to even consider an alterative to iTunes, so good, free media mangers are almost non-existent on Mac.
However, there is hope. The Amarok team has been working on an OSX port for some time now. It’s currently in beta status and you can get it from the download page. I have no idea how stable it is, but even with bugs it’s got to ■■■■ less than iTunes.
Gotta love the offtopic people. I dont mind shelling out a few bucks for a software. (CS4 is listed as 1,799.00 so you can see why keeping it the Mac OS is pretty important) I payed for Media Monkey Gold on both my PCs. Amarok Looks interesting… I will have to look into that. Thanks Skinjob.
Gotta love the offtopic people. I dont mind shelling out a few bucks for a software. (CS4 is listed as 1,799.00 so you can see why keeping it the Mac OS is pretty important) I payed for Media Monkey Gold on both my PCs. Amarok Looks interesting… I will have to look into that. Thanks Skinjob.
If you have any luck with Amarok post your results as there seem to be a lot of frustrated iTunes+Sansa Mac users out there that would probably welcome an alternative.
Mac OS X has a little problem with music transfer to non-mac-formated volumes. When you transfer a music files on your sansa via drag & drop with the finder, it will automaticaly create a hidden file that contains infos readable by the finder and those files can drive your sansa crazy. To avoid that, download Kopymac. this should help you for your music transfer. As for music management, you can try songbird. It works really well but it won’t sync with anything else than an IPod yet (on non-windows version). Personnaly I use it on my school’s computers to listen to my music. I don’t like to use Itunes.
Message Edited by Paul-Willy on 04-29-2009 06:49 PM
@paul_willy wrote:
Mac OS X has a little problem with music transfer to non-mac-formated volumes. When you transfer a music files on your sansa via drag & drop with the finder, it will automaticaly create a hidden file that contains infos readable by the finder and those files can drive your sansa crazy. To avoid that, download Kopymac. this should help you for your music transfer. As for music management, you can try songbird. It works really well but it won’t sync with anything else than an IPod yet (on non-windows version). Personnaly I use it on my school’s computers to listen to my music. I don’t like to use Itunes.
Message Edited by Paul-Willy on 04-29-2009 06:49 PM
Paul Thanks for the help. I will still sync with my PC but there are places where I need to have my music on the Mac so all I need is managment and playback