My drive wont respond at all

I just got back from a trip and I’m trying to plug my drive into my computer. It’s not responding what so ever. I have it plugged into a working socket and a functioning USB port, but there are no lights, and the power button isn’t doing anything. It’s not showing up on my computer either. What can/should I do?


Edit: Ah, ahem, got it. Er, nevermind.

What’s the hard drive that you have?

I am experiencing the same issue.  My external drive will not respond.  I normally use it with my personal laptop.  One day it worked without incident and the next I could not locate it even after a computer search.  I tested it on a PC with the exact same results.  If you have any suggestions for the retrieving the data, I would appreciate it.

I had the same problem.  I am returning my drives to WD and buying Seagate drives.  You might consider doing the same.

Thank you, but I have lot of pictures stored already.  I would like to at least retrieve the info on the drive.  I appreciate the recommendation for future options.