I have a desktop HP Pavilion P6620F running Win7 up to date. I have been using a WD My Book Smartware for backup for a good while without any problem. The pc sometimes becomes sluggish and slow. I have twice reloaded Win7 program using a update program on dvd. It has worked very well. The third time I used it everything worked except the SmartWare program would not run. There may be some other programs that have the same problem but I have not found them so far.
The program is there. I can see it with Windows Explorer. The drive is unlocked. There is no icon on the task bar. At first I thought it was a Microsoft .Net Framework problem not loading but after reading about that program I saw it was in Control Panel, Programs, Turn Features On Or Off, Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5.1. The program and subfolders are all checked. Also in My Book/WD SmartWare folder is dotNetFx40_Client_x86_x64.
Can you advise me on what I can try to troubleshoot or a fix for this problem.
When Win10 becomes active and I download it is it likely to fix this problem?
The smartware program will not open. The icon is not in the system tray and I can not start the smartware manually. Windows sees the drive and displays it in windows explorer and I can open the folders and see the contents but the Smartware program will not run.
I Can’t believe there is no one at WD who can’t help me with this problem. Can anyone tell me how to replace the Smartware program without distroying the bachup I now have on the disk.