Hey there,
I dont know a lot about external Hard drives. But my older WD My Book when I plug it in is blinking about 1 time per second. I have tried to move it to and from a wall outlet to a power strip. Also changed power plugs going into the My Book. Same result. Also it will not read on my computer. The devise wont turn off when hitting the power button.
Thanks in advance.
I also forgot to say that the top portion of the LED does not light up.
HAving the same issues and a panic attack.
Add me to the list - Anyone know of a listing of “Diagnostic LED lights” for this model? I’m positive it's about the amount of disk space used. I only got this flashing because I created a disk image that used up most (i.e. there is 43GB left on the Public portion of the disk)… yep, pretty sure that’s it… Logging into the interface the first thing that comes up is the warning showing you’re at 95% of the capacity for the disk space.
Usually you can turn off the annoying cylon LED thing by logging into the interface, then select “Advanced Mode” from the top of the page. Then, under the the tab (which appears by default anyways) “System” click on the “button” “Advanced” near the bottom row of buttons. At the bottom you’ll see “LED Control” and “LED Status”. Uncheck “Enable” and then click “Submit”. However it looks like the 95% threshold disables that (I REALLY hate being given options that aren’t really options.)
To shut your disk down if the power button won’t work… Under the same “System” tab there is also a “button” for “Shutdown/Reboot”. Click that then click “Shutdown” and the My Book shuts down.
Hope that helps.