My Book for Mac being formatting for a PC

Hello, I purchased a My Book for Mac.

But days later I sold the iMac and purchased a PC.

I have finally formatted and initialized the drive for my PC.

However, I am unable to complete a backup.

Thanks in advance.

What backup software are you using?  If you are using SmartWare you may  uninstall it, restart your computer, download and reinstall its latest version.

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I have downloaded each of the following for my book essential:

For Windows

The smartware does not load, either.

Yes, I restarted the computer.  The backup starts but it does not complete.

Thanks WD Staff!!  I got my replacement drive and everything is working so smoothly!!

Thank y’all to infinity and beyond for the help and excellent support!!!

I am a very happy camper!!!

:smiley:   :smileyvery-happy:     :laughing: