My Book Essential P/N WDBACW0020HBK-00 was OK in Windows XP. In my new deskop, Windows 7 asked for SES driver. I downloaded correct version (64-bit) and it recognized the drive, but asked to format it. In Disk Management, it is RAW. However, when I plug it back in my old XP desktop, all files are there. I tried on another Windows 7 machine, and the same: asked to format.
How can Western Digital NOT write a new driver for My Book Essential? I need to use it in Windows 7.
Did you reformat the drive if so how? Go into Device Manager and delete both the SES and Essential’s driver. Remove the drive reboot then reconnect and see of that helps.
I removed the drivers, rebooted and reconnected. No use. It installs again the WD Mybook 1130 and the WD SES Device, and the disk is still raw, windows asks to format. I unplug it, plug it into my XP, and voilá… all files are there.
I don’t want to reformat the drive, there is a lot of data. Do you think Windows 7 formatation is different from XP?