Hey guys…I was moving a 100Gig file from a full 2TB HDD to an empty 2TB HDD when it froze up…It stopped transfering and I could not do anything to get it started…Running Windows7…I waited for bout 30 mins but nothing changed, so I used Task Manager to halt the process and now It is showing the whole folder,1.8TB’s as EMPTY FOLDER!..I know the data is still there, just not sure(without screwing it up) how to get it back…It shows the drive as still full in My Computer, but I guess Windows decided to delete the contents of the folder?..This is all HD TV full series that took many moons to compile…I could probably get it with linux, but there has to be an easier way to point windows in the right direction since the data hasn’t really moved, just unseen by Winblows…Any input would be greatly appreciated…C My Book Essential 2TB HDD
kk…Things went from bad to worse…I unplugged the drive to reboot it and now Windows is saying device software not installed correctly , and it doesnt even see the drive now.
Can I find the software and reinstall it without affecting the data?..I will be really down if I can’t get this stuff back,Tks in advance for more input…
Shoot!..Now Windows is saying the USB device not recognized…lmao…I better put it outside cuz I believe the next Windows message will be " Run!..USB device about to Xplode!!!"> So anyways…Now Im sitting with a dead 2TB HDD full of my fovourite video…Thank you for your time and efforts…C