Hello everyone. I could really use some help. I have a My Book Essential 2TB external that I use for all my daughter’s video files. I often connect it to my WDTV Live Hub. The drive has worked fine for a while. A few nights ago it was connected to my laptop and I was moving some new files over. I walked away and when I came back there was a delayed write error message. At that time, I could still see the drive connected in Windows Explorer, but I could not drill down into any folders. Since then, if I connect it to the laptop, the sound indicates that something has been connected, but it does not show up and is not recognized. I tried connecting it to the WDTV Live Hub and it does not show up. I tried connecting it to another PC and it sees it, downloads a driver, but then it will not show up in My Computer or Windows Explorer.
I am using Win XP on a laptop. I checked the FAQ for this kind of error and it makes several suggestions. It is not the power or the USB cable, because using the same ones after this incident I have successfully connected other WD externals that I use. The only one I haven’t tried is a MS hotfix. Since I can connect other WD externals I don’t feel like that will be the fix. Any help is greatly appreciated!