My Book Duo - Backup Software


I’ve just purchased a My Book Duo, which I choose specifically because a) I don’t need NAS, b) I do want RAID and c) it’s advertised as including backup software.

I installed the drive and the included Discovery software, which includes a link to a webpage to download Acronis TrueImage for WD, which I also downloaded and installed, but the Acronis software tells me I don’t have a WD device.

A quick Google shows me Acronis TrueImage for WD does not support My Book Duo

So I’ve bought a drive that’s specifically advertised as including backup software, but the backup software included doesn’t support the drive?

Have I been mis-sold this product? Is there a way to make Acronis work with it? Or is there some other backup software I’m supposed to download?

Hi @markroper,

Have you opened a Support Case? If not opened, for more information, please contact the WD Technical Support team for the best assistance and troubleshooting: