My Book 2TB must I used the WD security tools

I bought the 2TB My Book a couple of months ago, when first used I selected no password.

Recently after I plugged it in again, a virtual disc G is created and I have to run WD security to unlock the drive, this was not the case for the first few months of use. I plugged it in and it showed as just another drive in W7. Can i run the drive without the WD security, will uninstalling WD security block my access to the drive?

Any insight would be appreciated.

Thank you.

Hi there, welcome to the community. Removing WD Security shouldn’t affect the behavior of the drive, like having it installed on the computer shouldn’t being asking you to use the Unlocker to see the drive, I would double check to see if it has a password and then remove the application.

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Hi, and thanks for the welcome.

Also, thank you for your help. I don’t use a password for my drive(s) as I can never remember them.

However, I think that I’ll go and buy a further larger back up drive and copy the data onto that one before I remove the software as my luck in these situations is not great, I’ll also back up the data onto DVD as well for peace of mind.

Thank you again.