~Sigh~ I’ve had my external My Book drive attached to my comp for a very long time. WOrked without issue. When I go to windows Explorer and select the folder I want, it says “No Files Found”…or the address bar at the top of Windows Explorer just sits there. I can go in through a CMD window to the folder just fine and see all the files…go back to Explorer…nothing…
Of course I’ve rebooted - cold booted - warm booted - unplugged USB - Unplugged power etc…but nothing…any ideas??
should I get MYBOOK or just a 32G thumb drive – memory – solid state memory wth no transfromer for external power
as WD western digital suppose to be GOOD already
other brand such as buffalo , seagate , suppose to be worse
besides , WD lately seem to be apple shop dealer authorized product
my point to buy a WD mybook because, it seems to be safer and easier to FIND those ghost image file of my C drive – I keep C ghose image to be clean image, and fast image, i.e. I bckup when everything running very fast
another reason is [edited]
I got new flat screen tv, I want MYBOOK to be my new VIDEO media file electronic visual data LIBRARY
I have not bought MYBOOK YET< but intend to use it this way
~~DO YOU THINK IT i should BUY MYBOOK – any suggestion?!