My Book 2Tb - Can't Find Files

~Sigh~ I’ve had my external My Book drive attached to my comp for a very long time. WOrked without issue. When I go to windows Explorer and select the folder I want, it says “No Files Found”…or the address bar at the top of Windows Explorer just sits there. I can go in through a CMD window to the folder just fine and see all the files…go back to Explorer…nothing…

Of course I’ve rebooted - cold booted - warm booted - unplugged USB - Unplugged power etc…but nothing…any ideas??

Thank you in advance!

It sounds like data corruption, since you have access from DOS you may backup your files and reformat the drive.

long time – definitiion – how many years??

this type of thread, let me think

should I get MYBOOK or  just a 32G  thumb drive – memory – solid state memory wth no transfromer for external power

as  WD western digital suppose to be GOOD already

other brand such as  buffalo , seagate , suppose to be worse

besides , WD  lately seem to be apple  shop  dealer  authorized product

my point to buy a  WD mybook because, it seems to be safer and easier to FIND those ghost image file of my C drive – I keep C  ghose image to be clean  image, and fast image, i.e. I bckup when everything running very fast

another reason is [edited]

I got   new  flat screen tv, I want MYBOOK to be  my  new  VIDEO media file  electronic visual data LIBRARY

I have not bought MYBOOK YET< but intend to use it this way

~~DO YOU THINK IT  i  should BUY   MYBOOK – any suggestion?!