Music files still there after deleting

After having dragged the unwanted musicfolders to the trash and clearing for new storage, the supposedly deleted files still appear in the Express and no matter how much I delete no more storage becomes available…

What to do?
Help much appreciated!


Interesting.  The way I delete my music files is this.

1.  Open the ‘playlist’ folder to show all the songs.
2.  Select a song you want to delete and ‘right click’ and select ‘delete’.
3.  A message will say ‘Are you sure you want to delete so and so…’ and click ‘yes’.

the express also has a format feature, if manually deleting the songs off the player does not work for you.

Don’t feel bad, I can’t find the songs to delete. Some how I got 2 songs on there 3 times. This device didn’t even come with direstions of any kind that are useful.

MTP is designed to let your programs do the deleting and syncing to your device (i.e. iTunes and iPods). WMP basically syncs playlists and if you delete a song off the playlist (considering none of your other playlists have that same song), then WMP will delete the song. Other Playforsure compatible players do the same thing.

If MSC, sorry man. MTP has made life easier for me. Basically, if you use forced MSC on the Sansa you can just delete it.

Overall, check to make sure your playlists do not contain songs you don’t want on the player (if you use MTP mode)
If that fails, format and then resync.