m240 strange behavior with "paid" MP3s

I successfully updated my m240 to V2.2.5E and connected it to my Linux computers (USB-mode MSC), structure is /CONFIG, /AUDIBLE, /RECORD. Ripped mp3-Files from my CD’s work well in /AUDIBLE, but “paid” MP3’s (legally downloaded) stop all after exact 120s. I don’t habe this problem with “normal” software players (Win or Linux doesn’t matter"). File length and music duration is displayed correctly. Perhaps a DRM-problem? Greetings from Germany… :wink:

…sorry, not 120s but 1min 20 s…mea culpa

I will warn you, in the very beginning, for the first I don’t know, 15, 20 minutes, we have a lot of racing talk. It is relevant to what comes later because we’re looking for, again, parallels across disciplines and first principles dgcustomerfirst