i am using My Cloud for backing up my files form my computer but i am noticing the large PSD files are not backing up. Is there a specific setting to do?
2hat tool are you using for backup?
Your PSD files are Photoshop, right?
Is Photoshop closed during the Backup?
yes, it is set for continuous backup
photoshop closed or open, the same. Smaller PSD files were backed up but large ones no.
Thanks for reply!
- What backup software are you using?
- How large are “larger files”?
From the My Cloud device perspective, there is no difference between smaller and larger files, they are all welcome.
i click retry but nothing happens
This is WD Smartware Pro, our backup software.
Regarding the file list: it seems to be a hickup in the file queue. Best would be to close all related software to theses files, e.g. Photoshop and of course Windows File Explorer, and hit “Retry now” button.
It may last a while to finish the backup run as the file queue is huge in capacity. Start of the backup can be seen on the actcivity LED of the My Cloud. Please keep me updated what happened.
thanks, will do
Why is there a ‘hickup in the file queue’…?
An alternative backup tool that doesn’t seem to suffer ‘hickups in the file queue’:
Because opened files cannot be backed up unless the opened software was closed. MS Outlook problem with PST files, for example.
Hi Joerg, cloud is still backing up my other files so when its ready i check if the psd files are done aswell. Will let you know when its done. Thanks