Just Updated to 2.4.10, Eating My Memory

I just updated the WD SmartWare firmware and software to version 2.4.10. (I did not have this problem with the previous software which was

I have an older computer with not a lot of memory. The most memory intensive thing I do is surf the internet.

The combined memory eaten up by WDBackupEngine.exe and WDDMStatus.exe processes is as much as internet surfing. It’s slowing everything down to a crawl. It’s making it extremely difficult to run anything else as the same time as the internet.

At first I thought it was using that much memory because I had it set for continuous backup, so I changed it to a scheduled backup. But it didn’t alter the memory usage at all.

Then tried disabling backup entirely. The WD drive shouldn’t be doing anything, but it’s still eating the same amount of memory.

I tried manually closing them out in the task manager, but it only let me close the WDDMSTatus.exe. It immediately started another WDBackupEndgine.exe.

What do I have to do to get my memory back? Unplug the drive and only plug it in when I need to back up? Is there anyway I can go back to the previous version I was using (


You can try uninstalling that version and look online for a previews version of the app.

Also, for highest performance and reliability, use the Windows Update service to download and install the latest updates and service pack (SP).

WD doesn’t have earlier versions of the software on their site. And I’m not downloading from some random site because it says it’s the program. I’ve gotten in trouble doing that before.

So, basically, you don’t know what’s going on or how to fix it.

Is uninstall and reinstall your standard answer? Because most people are already aware of that.

But I suppose thank you for taking the time it took you to post even if the post was completely unhelpful.