I have an old G5 PowerPC with 2 internal SATA drives in it. I am trying to hook up an external EIDE drive via USB to it so that I can retrieve the data and erase/overwrite it. The universal adapter powers up the drive but it refuses to mount. I have tried different jumper settings but none of them seem to do the trick. It still won’t mount on my desktop.
Does anyone have any suggestions. I can’t figure out what I am doing wrong. I also have an WD Ultra IDE that also won’t mount.
Hi, can you confirm this hard driver work well?
Yes, these drives were working when I took them out. I just got the Ultra IDE drive to mount and the jumper was set to Slave. So, now it’s just one. When I look at the jumpers, the Slave has only a single prong on the bottom rw. The HD says Jumper J50, Master/Single “ON” and Slave “off” The WD1200 EIDE I’ve tried every position but no luck.