On my Surface Pro 8 running windows 11, I receive the following error message on log in:
A Driver cannot load on this device
Driver: wdcsam64.sys
A security setting is preventing this driver from loading. You’ll need to adjust your settings to load this setting.
That sure was a lot of work signing up and such just to write one response.
Neha, i clicked that support.wdc.com link and it took me to another page with another link, which in turn brought be right back here. Not much help.
The problem I have is Windows Core Isolation failure from bad driver WDCSAM.sys in Win 11. Do I have to delete it? Is there a new driver? What to do? Thanks.
The answer given by K1udg3 worked, but first download the updated driver and then follow the instruction in the link provided. I did and it works. TODAY!!! Sept 26, 2022