If God was a programmer...


There will be no change in size.  Interesting link.

@sansame wrote:

There will be no change in size.  Interesting link.




that’s no part of my post. its my signature :slight_smile:

I like your signature :smiley:

i am a god fearing man and that is the most boring and stupid thing i have ever let take up 5 mins of my life.


stop biching and moaning about your sig size noone cares.

That was hilarious :smiley:

It got good when he tried MULTIPLICATION…it’s good to relate to these annoyances.

but why was he using a public computer?

@zovistograt wrote:
That was hilarious :smiley:

It got good when he tried MULTIPLICATION…it’s good to relate to these annoyances.

but why was he using a public computer?

Your right it was funny. However, I think only people with a programming background of some sort would actually think this was funny.