I can't find WD Dreive or system image when I try to restore using system recovery disk

4 gb memory with plan to add/change to total of 8 gb but currently no funds.

Have Windows 7 - 32 bit systme image and Windows 7 - 64 bit system image stored on subdictories of 1TB WD portable drive.

Currently running 64 bit.

Universal remote software will not work in 64 bit environment.

A few months ago I found this out.

     Restored to 32 bit using system recovery disk and 32bit system image copied to root directory

     Adjusted unifersal remote operation

     Restored to 64 bit using system recovery disk and 64 bit system image copied to root directory

Can not find system image now when I need to do this again.\

Do nor have a choice to choose WD Drive to find system image. 

Any ideas on what I need to do??

Should I stay in the 32 bit system - if I can get there - till I get more memory?

All files on backup every nighjt so file restoration not a problem.


To clarify, the disk you are trying to select is an internal disk or an external disk? If it is internal, please bear in mind that some computer-branded recovey CD’s/DVD’s can only work on the original internal disk drive certified by the manufacturer.

If you are using an external disk, was the image stored under a particular format? Is the external disk drive recognized on other systems?

External WD 1 TB formatted to accept system images.

As I stated earlier the exact WD drive and system images and the steps I outlined to go form 64 bit to 32 bit and back to 64 bit worked a few months ago.  Now. no system image is “found” and I can’t choose the drive and find the system image when using the system recovery disk.  The same system recovery disk was used a few months ago.

When not using the System Recovery Disk and operating Windows 7 64 bit I can use the WD 1 TB disk for whatever I want.includint reattimg a new system image and file backups.

The question is why can’t the System Recovery Disk find the root system image, or any othe??? since it did so well eralier.