Getting error message as above, I’ve formatted the WD drive to NFTS as advised but still getting same message when trying to backup files from my pc
Hi Stephen,
If running Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP, or running Mac OSX, the external hard drive can be reformatted to either NTFS (Windows) or HFS+ (Mac) File Systems instead. These File Systems are not limited to a 4GB file size. May be while formatting something went wrong and your drive correctly not formatted. This happened with one of my friend as well he followed below link and resolved the case.
Please follow this link for formatting HDD
Thanks for this. I did reformat the WD drive to NFTS but still got the
“not enough space” error message. I’ve backed up my files to the WD drive
using File History in Windows 10, which seems to have worked fine.
Thanks again for your advice
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Good to know that! Finally you made it anyway.