Hi everyone,
I have erased My passport via Smart software.Then, I have went to computer management tools, after that, I have split my Passport to two partitions. The first partitions has been successfully split and formatted. However, when I return to split the remain size, I have faced a problem with ‘format’. Although the second partition had a blue bar, it hasn’t formatted correctly. Whenever I have tried formatted, I have faced that storage partition is still used now. I am quite sure that I have disabled all Security programs and all the other synchronized storage drives. Even I have installed the entire smart software . What can I do to format this remain size to be a second virtual partition in my passport. If there were some problem, the first virtual partition would be formatted. Each time I have return to computer management and click-right on that partition and then chose ‘format’, I have eventually encountered that 'formatting wasn’t successfully completed, this small storage is used with another application. I am quite upset because I have disabled all the programs. What program does use this partition?
This is the screenshot for the successfully for the first