I want to remove the software that came with the WDC drive. How do I do it since the regular way of deleting the folders isn’t working? They say WD Smart Ware/ Extras/ User Manuals. HOW do we delete this?
I want to remove the software that came with the WDC drive. How do I do it since the regular way of deleting the folders isn’t working? They say WD Smart Ware/ Extras/ User Manuals. HOW do we delete this?
You can delete those files as you delete any other file on your computer.
Highlight the files and press delete.
You can also format the drive to remove all of the content.
To reformat the drive, right click the drive on computer then select format.
For additional information on how to use your drive, please see the link bellow.
How to use a WD external hard drive with your computer