plug Hard drive in laptop
open a folder
right click on THIS PC or MY COMPUTER
click on MANAGE
a folder will open with is called COMPUTER MANAGEMENT
find your hard drive on the bottom part of the right part of the folder.
right click on the block and say DELETE VOLUME. it will now say UNALLOCATED
right click on it again and say NEW SIMPLE VOLUME
a folder will open and click NEXT
Change SIMPLE VOLUME SIZE IN MB to 32000 ( 32G ) click next
click next again and you will be at a FORMAT PARTITION. change File system to FAT32 (NOTE. you cant go bigger than that as your option for FAT32 disapear to exFAT. thsi is not compatible with PS3 only FAT32 is) click on next and then finish. you will find you can only split folder only 4 or 5 times.
you will now have a block separate from main drive. you can create a few 32gig drives and name them. i have doen this and it picks up all the folders on my PS3. that is why its called a FAT32. only 32 gig alowed… ps if i mis spelled sorry, but you thank me for this.
Thanks for sharing.
Make sure to add a disclaimer to let the user know that they will be doing this on their own risk.