How to determine firmware version?

How can I determine the firmware version of a My Book Duo USB 3.0? I need to know whether or not it needs updating. Neither WD SmartWare nor WD Drive Utilities seem to provide that information.

Hi there,

By running the universal firmware updater you will get a message with the version the unit currently has, once you run this it will let you know the firmware the unit has and if its the same on that it downloaded there will be no need to update, if you have to do a firmware update you will see a button to do the firmware update.

When I first acquired my WD My Book Duo USB 3.0, I configured it as RAID 1 (Mirrored), created a disk image, and performed full backups. When done, I downloaded the WD Firmware Updater and installed the latest firmware v1.026 (was v1.025). Followed instructions to “Shut down your computer, and then disconnect the drive’s power cable. Restart your computer to finish the update, then reconnect the drive’s power cable.”

When the drive powered back up, the Power light was blinking red and the Disk 1 light was solid red. The WD Drive Utilities Helper window popped up with the message: Your device My Book Duo (S/N: [Deleted]) has RAID configuration issues. Please launch the WD Drive Utilities software to get more information.

Tech Support wanted to RMA the unit, but I suggested trying to just swap the two 3TB WD Red drives and rebuild the failed drive. Tech Support agreed, so I tried it and that fixed the problem.


That My Book Duo subsequently developed the problem of dropping off the USB connection after several hours or a day or two. Nothing I tried would fix that. Tech Support suggested several different remedies, but none worked. They finally RMA’d that unit.

So my question is: SHOULD I try to update the firmware?!?


In My opinion if the unit is working properly at the moment, i would not update the firmware. although its always good to check the release notes to see if this firmware does any mayor changes on the update.