How do I retrieve data off My Book Elite

I had tried to update the software on a 2 TB My Book Elite on my PC.  Now my PC and a Mac can’t find the drive.  WD sent me a replacement and I’m trying to retrieve files from my old drive.  I have a SATA/IDE to USB adapter that has helped me retrieve data in the past, but I’m not sure where to hook that up on this Elite drive.    Right now I have the drive out of the outer casing and don’t see a place to plug the adapter.

If you removed the board with USB port to hookup the data will be encrypted and useless if you get off the drive. All drives that come with Smartware are hardware encrypted whether you installed Smartware or not.


Thanks for the reply.  So I’m totally out of luck and won’t be able to recover anything?  Not cool.

You will need to find a way to access it through the enclosure- if the enclosure failed than you will need to restore from your backups. If you didn’t make a backup of your data, than yeah you may be out of luck. The golden rule is always keep at a minimum 2 copies of any data you can’t get back.