I have a My Book WDBAAF0010HBK that I do not use the Smartware Software for. I usea different backup software and it does backup everytime I change or create a file in Documents, Music, and Pictures. The problem I have is all of the files and folders show an incorrect Date Modified date. I’ve tried all I know to reset the date on the Drive but can’t find anything. Anyone know how to do this or what else may be going on? I know it is not the backup software because I actually back up to 3 External Drives, including the My Book, and the other 2 have the correct dates.
Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
Does this happen when you manually copy files to the external drive as well ? Lets see if another user can share some tips or information on this matter.
I created a word document in Documents, copied and pasted it to the drive and the date is correct.
Now what?
I’m lost.
Thanks for te try.
OK, I figured it out thanks to your suggestion. I created a new word document in the Documents Folder on the Drive in question and it did change the date the folder was modified.
Thanks again. I’m going to see if I can figure out how to mark this as answered. I’m new to the forum.
Thanks again