I have consulted various web reviews of the My Passport Wireless external drive and finally opted for this product as they stated that it supported FTP access and cloud.
I am surprised to see that it does not support multiple users or permissions as this would be a basic need for most people.
Do WD intend to support permission based multi-users content-sharing functionalities and, if that is the case, when will you have an updated firmware satisfying this need?
Hello Vildrik,
Welcome to the WD Community,
Please see page 32 of the user manual for detailed information regarding the uses of FTP on the drive.
Link to manual;
Also, will be good if you provide more detailes about your question. Please note that this is a user to user Community.
Vildrik wrote:
I have consulted various web reviews of the My Passport Wireless external drive and finally opted for this product as they stated that it supported FTP access and cloud.
I am surprised to see that it does not support multiple users or permissions as this would be a basic need for most people.
Do WD intend to support permission based multi-users content-sharing functionalities and, if that is the case, when will you have an updated firmware satisfying this need?
Most likely the answer is no. The MPW is meant to be a Personal access drive and not a multi-user server.
The MPW is a darn expensive drive, so would you like it to cost even more? Then maybe WD can jazz it up like their full-blown NAS products to do what you want it to do beyond what it does now.
This is not a function of a wireless drive – neither WD’s nor Seagate’s. It is first and foremost a hard drive for you mobile devices, and those of your family and friends. No one can get on it unless you allow them to via password, etc.
There’s no reason why you couldn’t hack in what you wanted to, however.
See https://github.com/ksylvan/MyPassportWirelessHacks
You could use some of the same techiques to update the SMB configuration and add multiple users (using adduser). If you do go this route, I suggest you create some scripts to automate this, since you will have to re-do it after each firmware update.