How can I confirm that SmartWare is working correctly?
Everytime I click on the try icon a message apears “WDsmart ware encountered a problem and has to close”.
Is it just siting there doing nothing or actually backing up my files?
If I try to do a manual backup using WD-smartware it consumes so much of my PC’s resources that I can’t do anything else until the back up is finished. So much for it working silently in the back-ground.
I’m not impressed. I think I’ve wasted my money.
I agree with the waste of money. The information given to uninstall the software and re install should not happen. Its not convinient and WD should have a solution by now. I will say that after I did what was suggested, the software worked fine but when I shut down my laptop for what ever reason, WD Smartware did not work and the process had to be done again.
I am not liking what I am reading about this so called “smartware”!
And, I’m not seeing any helpful replies.
I’m not a newbie either!
I’m just trying to be well informed with whom I should purchase my future external hard drive.
WD support should be reading and giving helpful replies here!
Again; I’m not liking what I’m not seeing here!
Thank you.