Help - Software installed and runs but won't run backup

I use a Mac with the 10.5.8 operating system - I think that’s Leopard. The external harddrive I have is My Passport Essential USB 2.0. It says on the box that it requires reformatting but is compatble with my computer.

I have installed the smartware and it seems to be working fine except that when I press run backup an alert type window pops up but says nothing except ‘info’ with a yellow triangle next to it. The options I can click are erase drive or cancel. I tried erasing the drive which may have been stupid except I hadn’t successfully put any files on the drive yet so I didn’t think it mattered.

When I tried to run quick back up or whatever it’s called it always said “One disk can’t unmount” and then closed. I tried closing every other program on the computer including the other software and it still said the same thing.

What do I do? I can’t figure out how to manually put files on the darn thing either! Any help would be really appreciated!

I went to the WD website and found my answer in their support section! This can be disregarded now!