HELP! My Mac Doesn't Read/Recognise MyPassport But It's Still Showing Up Under "System Information > USB"

MyPassport was working perfectly fine until the new Mac software update (Sierra) yesterday.
The Mac doesn’t read the drive anymore and it’s not showing up anywhere on my laptop. The only place I can find it is under “About My Mac > System Information > Hardware > USB”. The light on the hard drive is flashing, but just nothing showing up on Desktop/Finder. The Disk Utility doesn’t load when connected to the hard drive either.

People in Apple Store told me it’s the problem of hard disk rather than the software. They’ve connected the hard drive to another laptop with a lower operating system (El Cap) but it’s still not reading my drive. They’ve also suggested me to erase all my file on the laptop and re-install the operating system. So I did. And now I can’t even use Time MAchine to restore my laptop due to the Time Machine files are in that hard disk that it doesn’t read.

The WD online support page says “If the device shows up in System Information, even if the device doesn’t work, the issue is usually due to software. Your best solution is to try updating the drivers, creating a new user, or reinstalling the system software” Cannot Find My WD Drive on Windows or macOS

Can anyone tell me what to do??

Hi, if the drive is not recognized in an older version of Mac OS X, I would recommend you to change the USB cable if you have not done it already.

You can also email support and see if they have any information on how to resolve this problem.