western digital my passport wdbacy5000abk-00
P/N wdbacy5000abk 00
S/N [Deleted]
47118 R/N C4B BAAFAA product of malaysia
can’t Data Lifeguard Diagnostic for Windows or format my wd my passort
before format last time is no problem.
last time i want to format my passport is fail for unknown reason.
and I search google for my solution error
I find this web:
I try to use Data Lifeguard Diagnostic for Windows for fix my passport but fail.
I try to use External USB/FireWire Fat32 Formatting Utility but fail.
I put screen shoot in
please help me to fix my passport.
any driver any thing can be do I will try one by one.
please reply to me thank you for read my mail
Note I new here so when I want to search I still confuse how to search because I don’t understand what is keyword to search my trouble.(and I is a Noob about USB)