WD, Please update your firmware to support HEIC. If I can’t view my photos with the mobile app, what is the use of a backup system?..C’mon?
Hello jlondonjr,
If you are using My cloud home device and application then we have released a .HEIC Support update in My Cloud Home Mobile App Version 1.2.0
*The migration of .HEIF image to the .JPG photo format is supported to allow the thumbnail generation of the .JPG image
*Both HEIC.JPG image and the .HEIF file can be seen in the Mobile and Web App
*The migration of the .HEIF image cannot occur if the .HEIF image is not present in the mobile phone’s camera roll
However, for our other my cloud devices and application our engineering team is working on HEIC support, you can follow the below alternate method:
iOS 11 cameras can be set to the “Most Compatible” Camera Capture format when auto backup and thumbnail preview is required on a My Cloud Home. The “Most Compatible” Camera Capture format option uses .JPEG and H246 .MOV formats.
- Tap Settings
- Tap Camera
- Tap Format
- Tap Most Compatible
Thank you for the alternate method
logan.h WDStaff
October 19 |
Hello jlondonjr,
If you are using My cloud home device and application then we have released a .HEIC Support update in My Cloud Home Mobile App Version 1.2.0
*The migration of .HEIF image to the .JPG photo format is supported to allow the thumbnail generation of the .JPG image
*Both HEIC.JPG image and the .HEIF file can be seen in the Mobile and Web App
*The migration of the .HEIF image cannot occur if the .HEIF image is not present in the mobile phone’s camera roll
However, for our other my cloud devices and application our engineering team is working on HEIC support, you can follow the below alternate method:
iOS 11 cameras can be set to the “Most Compatible” Camera Capture format when auto backup and thumbnail preview is required on a My Cloud Home. The “Most Compatible” Camera Capture format option uses .JPEG and H246 .MOV formats.
- Tap Settings
- Tap Camera
- Tap Format
- Tap Most Compatible
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Why does the photo have to remain in the camera roll for this to work? I delete my photos once I upload to Mycloud. The only was is to share the photo to Mycloud so it exports as JPEG
I’m having the same issue. I have the WD Mycloud 4tb drive. I have changed my iPhone to “Most Compatible” and it still doesn’t work.
Maybe you can change the photo format of your iPhone to JPG via the settings. Or you can use some HEIC converter tools to convert the photos to JPEG or other commonly used formats. What I’m using is Joyoshare HEIC Converter, it’s easy but professional. You may have a try.
Instead of uploading photos from MyCloud app and selecting phots from gallery, do it other way round. Open photo gallery on your iPhone and select MyCoud app and upload all files. This will upload all images in jpg format. Try this. This works
18 months later… so WD, where is the HEIC support for non-Home NAS?
The only suppot I know of:
I don’t understand WD’s thinking on this… the other line of NAS’ will be using the app and HEIC photos will be saved on the systems. Give us a consistent app across your platforms. Clearly you know how to do it. Oh, BTW, using Compatibility mode will not work on 4k videos.
Heic photos only support iOS device,if they need to be exported or viewed on other devices, they must be in JPEG format,with its help that you can do that: No.1 iOS HEIC Conveter | Batch Convert HEIC to JPG in 2019
Why must we go through a third party program to convert HEIC to JPEG? There needs to be support for this.
WD Please allow upload from Iphone photos to WD Drive so that iphone can convert photo’s to jpeg on the way to the drive !! Like with the previous version of OS. We use this a lot for our business and you just decided to not have this simple function ? (One is still allowed to select WD OS5 app when uploading videos) You are doing your brand great harm with OS5 .