A while ago we changed out the drives on our G Speed Q at work and everything is working fine. However, we now need to access something from the old drives and can’t get them to work.
The order the drives were in (is in what bay had which drive) wasn’t noted down when they were replaced. Is this why we can’t get them to work or is it something else I am not doing right?
I have just tried the drives in a G Speed es on another PC and it has popped up saying the drives need to be initiallized and when I go into Disk management, they are coming up as unallocated. All lights on the unit are blue
If it is some other RAID mode, possibilities are less because you can ignore one or more drives.
You might call Tech Support and see if they have a way they can tell you how to identify which drive was which member of the original RAID array and thus map them back to their slots.