I use a Mac (non- Intel ). I have a Fuze (actually just a circuit board and attached battery now) that shows up in the System Profiler (under OS X 10.5.8 ) as follows:
Capacity: 4 MB
Removable Media: Yes
Detachable Drive: Yes
BSD Name: disk5
Product ID: 0x6200
Vendor ID: 0x0781 (SanDisk Corporation)
Version: 4.02
Serial Number: i 0744703011
Speed: Up to 480 Mb/sec
Manufacturer: SanDisk
Location ID: 0x54440000
Current Available (mA): 500
Current Required (mA): 500
Mac OS 9 Drivers: No
Partition Map Type: Unknown
S.M.A.R.T. status: Not Supported
Aside from this, it appears dead.
I can tell from looking at the circuit board that it’s a v2 , since it doesn’t have the square black chip on the front that the v1’s have.
I know from what I’ve read somewhere about other Sansa models that M200Plus is the name of some core or kernel of all or at least several Sansa models. My question is whether there’s any way to get this back to being a working, or at least partly-working device – even a flash drive ? Right now it’s useless except for study.
Message Edited by aarons510 on 11-04-2009 05:17 AM
Message Edited by aarons510 on 11-06-2009 08:37 AM