Well, the tugboat lines are away, and we’re off with the new firmware.
I was just about to dive, when we discovered an open hatch! The podcast sort order is still inverted, listing newest-to-oldest.
Podcast navigation is improved, with a selective FF/REW versus skip to next track via a short tap. It looks like the skip inhibit has been changed. I like this method better.
Files nabbed into the podcast folder (if the genre is “podcast” ) used to yield a blank listing when navigating to the individual playlist folders. With the new firmware, we see <Empty> displayed in the playlist folder view. Previously, the “blank” was a sign that the playlist has been nabbed; a minor detail, but note that the “missing” podcast files are in that folder.
Rhapsody refresh time has been fed a dose of plutonium. The scan interval is much shorter, thank goodness.
The new Sansa logo is very nice. I like the “exploding sansa” animation, multicolored, forming the new logo. The four colors are SA, with the N in black between them. Pretty ingenious.
Wraparound scroll has been implemented, but the scan rate while rotating the scroll wheel has a set top threshold. My preference is for a variable rate, especially for those who like to squeeze thousands of tracks on to their Sansas.
The song limit has been posted as at 4120 songs, I see in the firmware thread (one user’s findings). With the upcoming 16GB MicroSD HC cards, this may be an issue. Perhaps, raising the bar may be a good idea. By then, I’d love to have an alphabetical search or a variable scan rate. I don’t load that many songs on my device, as I find it more convenient to use µSD cards to limit the library size.
So far, I like the new firmware!
Now, time to have some fun testing out OGG and FLAC. As a footnote, if you try loading a file in FLAC, the true capabilities of the new processor will amaze you!
Bob :smileyvery-happy: