Fuze display problems

I plugged my Fuze into my computer today to charge it and when it booted up (turned on) the display was messed up.  The right 25% of the display is blank and the rest of the display is very grainy with visible horizontal lines.  It was working fine prior to my trying to charge it today. I tried resetting it to factory specs but that did not help. It plays fine but I can not see the battery meter or read any of the text.  Any one have a similar problem or any idea how to fix it?  Thanks in advance.

You can try to update the firmware of your device and you can follow the steps by going to this link;


Hope this works. :wink: 

If firmware upgrade is your solution, this pinned forum thread has good information: Sansa Fuze Firmware Update (though the knowledgebase article has pretty pictures).

Thanks, I’ll try this when I get home today.