I am trying to format a new My Passport with my Mac running High Sierra 10.13.3. In Disk Utility, when I click ‘Erase’ I get the response
“Erase process has failed” and
“Unmounting disk. MediaKit reports not enough space for requested operation. Operation failed…”
Help appreciated.
Just found brilliant remedy from Rolias20h… WD should surely explain this in their instructions.
When you use Disk Utility, use the View icon in the toolbar, it’s in the upper left-hand corner of the window. Change it to Show All Devices. Select the non-indented item, usually, it will have the name of the device (Western Digital or WD followed by the model). When you select Erase, you should get three fields to fill in:
If you don’t see a field for “Scheme” you are selecting a partition and NOT the parent drive. This article on Seagate drives has very specific instructions with images and TWICE they point out that you have to select the device. The problem is that by default Disk Utility does NOT show you the device names. Kind of dumb decision by Apple IMO.
I ran into the same thing NOW I HAVE NO WAY of getting my mac book to read the drive. I am about to do a deep dive into youtube to try to save my brand new EasyStore that I have yet to even use. This is turning into a regret of a purchase.
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