Firmware downgrade of external USB MyBook

[Deleted] v3.002

In April I bought 6TB external MyBook Disks preformatted with NTFS and MBR (!!!) which work perfectly on my media player. Now I bought an 8TB disk which has GUID and the

mediaplayer finds the files only as long as there are not more than 2GB of data on the disk. So I ordered the last 6TB disk abailable @ but they also have GUID now so

I cannot use them.

So please send me an installer to put the same Firmware version on the new disks (both 6TB and 8TB) so I can use them as desired as soon as possible. The WDFirmwareUpdater.exe

tool always installs the newest Firmware without an option to select an older .deb file.

On Windows7 there is no problem.


Richard_Kartas, please note that this is a user to user community. As a recommendation, create a case with support to request that information.

See the link below.