File Create Dates is Changed Upon Restore - Windows to Mac

I recently made the switch to a Macbook Pro from a PC. I used My Book (4 TB) to do the back-up of the files I wanted to get off my PC and onto my Mac.
When I look at the files in Finder on the Mac, they all have the same Create Date. I don’t think this is an issue of the Mac though, but rather an issue when I backed up the PC. This is because the Create Date of the file aligned with that date.
Did I do something wrong when I backed up the PC? Note I used WD Backup.

Thanks for any clarification on this matter.


Hello DaBrownCO,

Maybe you should try contacting WD’s Technical Support about this.

To Contact WD for Technical Support

Hi Logan,
I contacted WD Support. I was told, “I would like to inform you that WD Backup incremental backup of upto 5 copies and the dates on the files backed up will be the dates on which you backed them up or the date might change to a new date on which you make any changes to the files.”

This does not make sense to me. I used a Click Free back-up system for many years without any issues. I understand that if changes are made to a file, the date of those changes would be the date of the last change. However, to not have the original file date available is not acceptable.

I guess I’ll contact support again who suggested I reach out to the community.
