Since installing My Book 1,5 Tb drive under Win XP Pro SP3 machine using IE 8, I no longer see as many fave icons when browsing as I did previously.
Is this normal behavior ? Is there something I should set the I am not seeing ?
Thoughts, suggestions appreciated.
I say it’s just a coincidence; the drive is loaded and installed to C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers, not to C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer…
It may be but I kind of doubt it since fave icons (some) and I am not really complaining as I do believe there is an association of some kind. Will monitor and post back. No kudos for now :robotwink:
Edit to add, I suspect the problem may be iPad releated, I will have to check with Apple support and see if I can get this clarified. I have just cleaned out all my Fave folders from these mysterious *.dat items.
More as I know more. Thanks for the help and suggestions so far.