Since about two weeks - while doing backups with Acronis True Image - from my Surface’s internal SSD to an attached WD Passport Ultra (2TB) I keep getting errors
“Failed to read data from the disk
Failed to read from sector … of hard disk 1. Try …”.
I have since run extensive checks using chkdsk on the internal SSD as well as the external WD drive, but without any error indication. On the latter I also ran the WD Lifeguard Diagnostic utility, again without any error indication. I double checked the WD-drive’s firmware which showed: latest version - no update required.
The error popup also states something about checking the VSS(Volume Shadow-Copy Service) logs which only show a disk read error, so no more info there, either. The popup also lists: error code 0x10C481 / Unknown status (0x9) / device not ready (0xFFF0). Googling for this info didn’t yield any helpful result.
Now I ran out of ideas. Any hint or idea, what could cause these data read errors while doing backup?