Failed to read data from the disk

Since about two weeks - while doing backups with Acronis True Image - from my Surface’s internal SSD to an attached WD Passport Ultra (2TB) I keep getting errors
“Failed to read data from the disk
Failed to read from sector … of hard disk 1. Try …”.

I have since run extensive checks using chkdsk on the internal SSD as well as the external WD drive, but without any error indication. On the latter I also ran the WD Lifeguard Diagnostic utility, again without any error indication. I double checked the WD-drive’s firmware which showed: latest version - no update required.

The error popup also states something about checking the VSS(Volume Shadow-Copy Service) logs which only show a disk read error, so no more info there, either. The popup also lists: error code 0x10C481 / Unknown status (0x9) / device not ready (0xFFF0). Googling for this info didn’t yield any helpful result. :frowning:

Now I ran out of ideas. Any hint or idea, what could cause these data read errors while doing backup?

Hi mmo,

Maybe you should try contacting WD’s Technical Support about this.

To Contact WD for Technical Support

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